Sunday, 2 October 2011

A Standalone statistic ...

Okay, I aside from my desire and urges to learn *everything* informatics and science (looking forward to another dose of DITA and a load of LISF tomorrow!), I took part in a race this morning. As in running race ... not the race to get in the shower, get my clothes on and either slouch in the garden/on the sofa etc etc.

Standalone 10K was that race. Set in Letchworth, Hertfordshire (10 minutes drive away from me), its a popular local race where my running club always have a formidable presence. Seriously, we looked like a mob of troublemakers standing on the street corner all in our identical stripey blue club vests.

My stat is this:

I finished 52nd out of 1062 finishers. That's in the top 5% of all people who turned up and decided that running up and down the unkindest hills in the county, on the hottest Sunday in October I've ever had the pleasure of getting sweaty on, would actually be a good, *fun* idea. Categorically we're labelled "runners" which means we have a high pain threshold and do not garner any sympathy from other normal folk, who believe we are actually bonkers. Those normal folk are sadly correct in their beliefs.

Oh, and it was a personal best time for me too - 39 minutes and 39 seconds! I've wanted to go under 40 minutes over 10K for a long while now so it felt really, really great ... once I had got my breath back and recovered of course!

If I can source a picture of me being a loon on Sunday morning, I'll post it here.

Now ... back to the fun part of my day. Study!

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